Page 323 - Revelation
P. 323
Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova. Revelation
and warriors who would be able to govern countries and people, which then inhabited
a semicivilized Europe, wisely. They were wonderful magicians and warriors. They
could heal suffering and teach the desrving.
All Meravingly wore very long hair which they agreed never to cut under any
circumstances, because they got the Life Force via it. Unfortunately, the Thinking Dark
ones also knew about that. Therefore the forced "haircut" of the last Merovingian royal
family became the most terrible punishment. It happened after the treachery of the
Jewish royal treasurer, who, using lies, cunningly set brother against brother and son
against father in this family, and then easily played on human pride and honour... This
was the first time a former stronghold was shaken in the royal family of the Meravingly
and the firm faith in the unity of the Kin showed the first deep crack... The many
centuries war of the Meravingly with the opposing Kin began to come to a sad end...
The last real king of this wonderful dynasty Dagobert II was treacherously killed, just
like many before. A hired assasin killed him at the hunt with a poisoned spear in the
back. This was how the most gifted European dynasty, which brought light and power
to the unenlightened European people ended, more precisely, was exterminated.
The tonsure of the last Merovingian
As you see, Isidora, cowards and betrayers of all times did not dare to fight
openly, perfectly knowing that they could never win fairly, but with the help of lies and
baseness they defeated even the strongest ones, using the honour and conscience of
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