Page 52 - The Final Appeal to Mankind
P. 52

«The Final Appeal to Mankind» by Nicolai Levashov

            Understanding viral behavior as alive under one set of conditions and as lifeless under
            another,  provides  the  comprehension  and  solution  to  life’s  great  enigma  which

            orthodox science has hitherto been powerless to solve.

            What is the nature of this phenomenon?

            It is essentially as follows:  the viral structure in a water environment creates a
            minimal  channel  between  the  physical  and  etheric  levels,  which  mediates  the
            disintegration of simple organic and inorganic molecules. This creates conditions
            for the primary matters — the disintegration by-products — to flow over from
            the physical to the etheric level — a chain of events which leads to the formation

            of an EXACT REPLICA of the virus on the etheric level.

            When heated, the weak bonding between the atoms of a viral RNA molecule and its
            OH– and H+ groups breaks. This results in water loss (dehydration), a decrease in
            atomic weight, which reduces the curvature of the viral microspace, and a decrease in
            the diameter of the channel between the physical and etheric levels. With the drop in
            the viral microspace curvature, even the simplest organic and inorganic molecules no

            longer disintegrate. The dehydrated viral RNA then behaves just like any other organic
            or inorganic molecule (F Fi ig g. .   1 17 7, left).

            When, however, the virus returns to a water environment, its RNA molecule reattaches
            the OH– and H+ groups. The cumulative atomic weight becomes critical, the degree
            of  microspace  curvature  surrounding  the  molecule  increases  —  causing  the
            disintegration of the simpler organic and inorganic molecules and the release of their

            primary matters, which then flow over to the  etheric  level (F Fi ig g. .    1 17 7, right). On the
            etheric level, an exact replica of the virus is created out of type G-matter. This is the
            first  qualitative  distinction  that  permits  us  to  consider  the  virus  the  earliest
            primitive living organism.

            The  second  qualitative  distinction  is  the  ability  of  the  virus  to  replicate  its

            structure — to create a double of itself on the physical level — a function that is
            linked to the quality of the spatial structure surrounding it.

            The RNA molecule is composed of two chain-like spirals: the atoms within the chains
            are very strongly bonded together, while the atoms attaching the two chains to each
            other are very weakly joined.

            The viral RNA molecule is a prerequisite for the development of the new quality —

            replication — that characterizes life.

            Viruses first arose in the ocean. The fluid movement caused their displacement from
            one  location  to  another,  exposing  them  to  various  external  conditions,  including
            different levels and types of radiation.

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