Page 80 - The Final Appeal to Mankind
P. 80

«The Final Appeal to Mankind» by Nicolai Levashov

            these levels are absent, the system containing the etheric, astral, and first mental
            bodies of the cell can continue to exist for a considerable length of time.

            Let us bear in mind that we have been considering the cell of a multicellular organism

            with a complicated structure and, consequently, all the above should be looked at
            from the standpoint of the organism as a whole, which we will now do.

            All processes in multicellular organisms occur synchronously and interdependently.
            There  exists  a  unified  system  of  cooperation  among  all  the  cells  of  the  entire
            multicellular  organism  on  all  levels,  physical,  etheric,  astral  and  first  mental.  It  is
            impossible  to  consider  cellular  functioning  independent  from  that  of  the  entire

            organism. If, for some reason, a cell or cell group drops out of the communication
            system, the entire organism is disrupted. The resultant dysfunctions (diseases) lead to
            the disintegration and death of the organism. We will examine these processes later.

            A healthy multicellular organism is a unified system that operates harmoniously not
            only on the physical level: the etheric bodies of its cells are also a unified, balanced
            system, which we will call the organismic etheric body.

            Likewise, the astral bodies of the cells create their own system on the astral level —
            the organismic astral body. Similarly, the first mental bodies generate an analogous
            system on the first mental level — the first mental body of the organism.

            And, in their turn, the physical, etheric, astral and the first mental bodies of an
            organism constitute a unitary system, which is in effect a living organism — living

            matter, LIFE. When the unitary nature of this system is fragmented, so is that of
            the life process, to be restored only when the wholeness of the system is reinstated.

            Nerve cells and the brain hold a special place in the system of life. Because of their
            level of development, nerve cells of the brain have a dominant position in multicellular
            organismic functioning; they affect, control, and orchestrate the functions of all the
            other types of cells in the organism. They provide well-balanced functioning of all the

            cells  in  an  organism’s  physical  body  —  a  necessary  condition  for  the  life  of  the
            organism and the unity of the physical, etheric, astral, and first mental bodies.

            It should be noted that neurons have mental bodies only in some complex multicellular
            organisms; however, the neurons are developmentally dominant over all the other types
            of cells in an organism. Each neuron, in particular, and the brain as a whole, in all
            multicellular organisms, generates an energy field (a “psi–field”) that controls all the

            functions of an organism.

            Additionally, the brain, through the psi-field, monitors other functions, without which
            the  life of the  organism would be  highly problematic. One  of these is to keep  the
            functions of the etheric, astral and first mental bodies of an organism in safety and
            balance.  Just  as  a  cell  has  a  protective  membrane  to  shield  it  from  environmental

            impact, so does each living organism elaborate a protective shield — a kind of psi-

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