
The Greatest Trick the Devil Ever Pulled

vtd1Anger is erupting around the world, and people have much to be angry about. Covid, famine, energy shortages, inflation.

“The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.” This quote is attributed to the French author, philosopher and poet Charles Baudelaire from an article published in La Figro in 1864. It was a time of upheaval and discontent in France, social unrest, inequality, and a return to an Aristocratic status quo after the failure of the French Revolution. It was a confused and divisive time. Baudelaire’s article was seen as a metaphor for the evil dark forces that ruled the beleaguered French people at the time. Baudelaire’s Devil didn’t hide, he was open and was there for those with the eyes to see. Nor did he apologise or explain his evil. This Devil, the very personification of all things evil, was protected by the inherent goodness of the majority.

The masses who could not comprehend the level of malevolence that dominated and controlled their lives, regardless of how obvious these forces were. The Devil had indeed convinced the people that he didn’t exist. And so the Devil remained in situ. The Franco-Prussian war of 1871, and the two catastrophic world wars were all his work, and yet the people continued to deny his existence. The Devil lives yet today, he is seen to be seen at Davos, the Bilderberg group, The City of London, and on Wall St. The Devil is the International Banking Cartel, this Cabal has initiated and funded both sides of every major conflict for centuries. No country ever wins a war, the cost of any victory is always “Pyrrhic” the loss of blood and treasure can never justify the gains. And yet the bankers always win and profit from conflict, war creates debt, and more debt owed to the bankers means more control. The Devil always gets his due.

As relevant as Baudelaire’s writings may have been in mid-nineteenth century Europe, they are more so today. There is a cognitive dissonance that still exists in the minds of the majority of the Western world. While many are awakening due to Covid and the increasingly obvious Great Reset, there is still a majority who can recognise acts of evil, but not the Devil behind it. This moral relativism is the Faustian bargain Westerners are forced to make about what are acceptable levels of evil.

This phenomena of cognitive dissonance seems to be mainly a Western affliction. The collective postwar West until recently enjoyed high standards of living and comfort relative to the developing world. These lucky generations never suffered the harsh realities of the colonial era in the same way as did the peoples of the “Third World”. The once colonised nations of Asia, Africa and Latin America need little convincing about the existence of evil. It is in their DNA, passed down through the generations of their oppressed forefathers. Westerners had little reason to seriously question the system that ruled them, the colonised conversely, always did.

Similarly with the Germans, those of the West are far less likely to acknowledge the evident evil than those of the former East who witnessed it firsthand after the fall of the Berlin Wall. The bankers’ dictatorship that followed destroyed their societies and stripped the people of their remaining dignities. It is the once prosperous West Germans who are more inclined to trust the system and their government. Those from the once East, know better. Ditto for the Russians who lived through the lost decade of the 90’s when Russia was plundered and humiliated by the predatory forces of Western capitalism. Putin restored the sovereignty and dignity of the Russian people. Putin knew the enemy, which is the reason for the massive support and popularity he enjoys from the Russian people. They understand the enemy he confronts, they have seen the true face of the Devil and they know he exists.

People understand that it is the nature of man to collectivise and pursue common goals. Steel workers, nurses, farmers, et al, all band together to further and protect their collective interests. Also widely accepted is that there is indeed a rich and powerful “elite” that are disproportionally advantaged by their governments, any expectation of fairness is long gone. Yet the suggestion that these same rich and powerful people also get together to promote their interests is regarded as a ridiculous “conspiracy theory”. Westerners have come to accept lies, corruption and incompetence from governments, they have become almost desensitised to it. Yet the existence of a plan, put together by a “Cabal” of the powerful trying to rule the World, is for most in the West, considered a fantasy taken from fiction.

All indications suggest that the cabal now finds itself in a race against time. With economies collapsing across the world, the window to implement their plan is closing as their global influence rapidly wanes. Their system has run its course and they know it, it explains the uncommon haste with which they are trying to push through their demonic Great Reset. Anger is erupting around the world, and people have much to be angry about. Covid, famine, energy shortages, inflation. All are issues that individually are devastating, the compound effect of them all together ushers in a perfect storm, the likes of which the world has never seen. The only thing that will prevent the Great reset is a critical mass of awakened people who refuse to comply. For that to happen it requires that people understand that all the current world problems stated above can be traced to one source. It is the Central Banking Cartel, headquartered in the City of London. It has controlled through proxies the American and global financial system since at least 1913 when it illegally created the Federal Reserve System in America. It has been used as a weapon of war on humanity ever since. This cartel is heavily invested in all the major multi-national industries, especially the defence sector. As it was prior to WW1 when “The Merchants of Deaths”, the weapons manufacturers, were all owned by the same bankers. All wars are bankers’ wars, the Ukraine conflict going on now, is essentially no different.

It is a cabal that thrives on chaos and devastation. It creates depressions so that it can buy up assets at pennies on the dollar. It overturns Governments and slaughters innocent civilians. Its business model has been the trade in human misery and suffering since the days of the East India Company more than 300 years ago. It is the same cabal that launched the greatest crime against humanity in history with the Covid lie. And once again the Devil didn’t hide his evil, they told us, it was about de-population. And that same stated de-population goal is at the heart of their absurd, “Green New Deal. When the Devil keeps telling you he wants to kill off most of humanity, surely you have to accept he exists?

The American author Henry David Thoreau, said, “For every thousand men hacking at the branches of evil, there is one hacking at the root. ” The Bidens, Johnsons, Macrons, et al, are just the branches, as are the Schwabs and the Gates. They are merely the frontmen, the foot soldiers for the truly powerful forces that created and own them. The crimes against humanity committed by these “lesser men” are unprecedented in history. Alas a punishment commensurate with their crimes does not exist. Yet, removing these disgusting people alone, even if they are eventually held to account (we can hope) will change little. It is not enough to clip the branches if the root stays in place. It is the central banking system and the power it wields that must be destroyed, least it take root again.

The Devil can no longer convince enough of the World that he does not exist. The evil that he is can only exist when good men do nothing, and we are seeing good men around. the world unite in resistance against the common enemy. The time has come when all people need to understand what is going on and what is at stake, or it might be the Devil who gets to decide the future of humanity. And that cannot be allowed to happen.

vtd2The Great Reset Phase 2, ‘The Hunger Games’

It is the collapsing financial system and the attendant inflation that is the main cause of what is rapidly becoming a global crisis.

Does it seem like you are living in a science fiction movie you saw when you were younger? The world today appears to a collection of clips from that genre that foretold a dystopian and dark future for humanity. Collapsed economies, food riots, brutal militarised police, total surveillance, and relentless, increasingly absurd propaganda. No longer a future scenario, this is happening now in more than 100 countries across the world. As more than 90 nations are now perilously close to defaulting on their debts, we can expect that these protests will spread and intensify. The tragic situation in Sri Lanka is a portent of what is to come. Food and energy shortages are further damaging economies that were already devastated by the Covid scam. In truth there is no real shortage of either food or energy. It is the collapsing financial system and the attendant inflation that is the main cause of what is rapidly becoming a global crisis. Many causes and culprits will be blamed for what is coming, but it needs to be recognised that all of these problems can be traced back to one source. And, none of this is accidental, it is another move in the Globalists’ plan for the “Great Reset”. If Covid was phase one, Food is phase two.

The Great Reset requires the destruction of economies and societies as we know them. To the Globalists it is all about maintaining control following the inevitable and probably imminent collapse of the neo-liberal financial system. Starving the world’s population into submission appears to be an obvious part of that plan. This is a future in which those not killed off by Covid, will be eating bugs. What would have been considered a wild conspiracy theory just a few months ago is now hard to deny. Fires at more than 100 food processing plants in America, baby food shortages, and deliberate refusal to restart America’s own abundant domestic energy resources are indications of the deliberate nature of this plan. Biden’s first action upon election was to shut down the oil pipeline from Canada. Without affordable energy there is no fertiliser, without fertiliser there is no farming. American farmers have felt themselves to under pressure to not farm ever since Biden took office. Daily it appears that the government is enacting new measures to further exacerbate the problem. California for example has enacted a new law that prevents independent truckers from accessing California ports. Independents make up the majority of the truckers and this will only serve to create more supply chain chaos as was witnessed at the L.A. ports last year. The chaos endured for months and was the cause of a further destruction of thousands of smaller businesses who couldn’t get stock. Incompetence alone cannot explain this.

As with most on the Globalists’ agenda this was years in the making. The Rockefeller Foundation is strong supporters of the WEF, (if they weren’t, it wouldn’t exist) The foundation has been writing about “re-setting the plate” since 2020. This is what it meant. Complete control of the food supply by the major agricultural multi-nationals. Frontman Bill Gates is now the biggest owner of farmland in America, and rapidly buying up more. He is invested in baby milk, and there is a shortage of baby milk, he is in invested in farmland, and there is a shortage of food, he is invested in vaccines and there is a pandemic and more pandemics promised to follow. See a pattern here?

Rockefeller puppet and longtime Globalist shill Henry Kissenger said more than 30 years ago: “Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.” The Globalists no longer control the global monetary system, alternative systems driven by China and Russia have stripped them of that monopoly. They no longer control the world’s energy, as recently proven by Russia and Saudi Arabia. All they have left is food with which to control populations.

All have seen the farmers’ protest in the Netherlands against the government’s proposed land grab under the pretence of cutting nitrogen fertilisers. The Dutch agricultural sector is primarily composed of small multigenerational farming families. They will not comply, their protest has been joined by farmers from around the world who are facing the same threats. This pretence of eliminating chemical fertilisers is part of the UN 2030 plan, and the Great Reset.


Dutch Farmer Hugo Jansen placed the billboard alongside the A4 Motorway,
in the southern tip of the Netherlands somewhere between Bergen op Zoom and Antwerpen. Not to be missed by anyone.


Any notion that it could produce outputs at sustainable levels has been shattered by the results in Sri Lanka and Ghana. Both were pressured to eliminate chemical fertilisers in return for inducements, which they did. Now those once productive agricultural sectors have been devastated, forcing these once self-sufficient nations to import foodstuffs with foreign currency they no longer have. There is no immediate solution to this, famine and further social unrest will inevitably follow.

The Globalists prefer to move slowly, implementing their plans incrementally so that they may pass unnoticed by the masses. However, time is not on their side, winter will soon arrive in Europe and the full effects of the absurd and self-destructive Russian oil and gas embargo will be felt. The Western world cannot replace the needed oil and gas that it once got affordably from Russia. Beyond just agriculture, homes will go unheated, industry will be forced to shut down and inflation will make the basic necessities of life unaffordable for the majority of the people. The Globalists will very soon feel the full wrath of the “Useless eaters” they would like to eliminate.

Prior to the current farmers’ protests many were unaware of the WEF or the realities of the proposed “Green New Deal” outlined in UN Agenda 2030. This imperialist fantasy is being understood now by rapidly increasing numbers of people and outside of a handful of uniformed climate alarmists and ideologues, no one is going along with it. The Globalists have seriously overplayed their hand and underestimated the power and common sense of the “useless eaters”. The world as we know it will look very different in the years to come, but that future will not be decided by the Globalists. The determining factor will be how quickly the masses raise up and recognise the common enemy, Russia is not the enemy of the European people, nor is China, the common enemy of mankind is to be found much closer to home, in Davos, Brussels and Washington. Once enough people realise this, the world will be a better place.

The Globalists are not to be feared. Their actions are ridiculous and every time they speak they further expose themselves. That they thought that they could force the Great Reset on the world shows how detached from reality they are. The arrogance displayed from Klaus Schwab and the WEF in explaining to us what the future they have decided on looks like, will usher in their downfall. They are losing and their agenda is failing, if it wasn’t they would have won already. And, for the Globalists who seem to be taking their ideas from Sci-fi movies, In the Hunger Games, the people win, and the elites have nowhere left to hide.

Eamon McKinney


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