Page 483 - Revelation
P. 483
Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova. Revelation
Then, like a child, she rejoiced at every single reader’s comment on the chapters
she had written. Cordial words warmed her heart and like the living flame of a candle
dispersed the thickening darkness and illuminated a tiny island in the middle of that
insanity, which the enemies organized for us, where she could breathe freely and derive
her strength to write again despite everything...
The meeting with this man’s spirit served as a new push for Svetlana to get to
know herself and her abilities. She was eager to find out and understand what happened
to her and to learn to control her abilities. And she left for Moscow to find the answers
to her questions. She came to Moscow as a TV reporter on the European TV channel
"Antenna", its Polish department. It is of interest that she arrived in Moscow at the end
of the spring of 1988, almost at the same time as I did. However, three long years
separated us from each other!!! It is likely that we visited the same places and, as it
turned out later, had common acquaintances, but only in the second half of April 1991
did our paths join, not to be separated anymore. It is not important that the enemies
took a lot of care to put borders and oceans between us for many years, because these
obstacles were unable to split us.
Our feelings and attachment to each other grew stronger with every day, every
month. The enemies are impotent to understand why neither distance nor the problems,
with which they bombarded us, could separate our hearts and souls, but on the contrary,
strengthened our feelings. I’ll tell why. They apply their own standards, which are no
higher than the animal level of existence, to others. If a male does not have a female
beside him, he starts looking for a substitute, sometimes for several. Or, if a female
does not have a male near her, she will certainly find one to replace him. They do not
understand that man and woman are not simply male and female. They do not
understand that even animals have feelings, rather than just instincts! Their animal level
consciousness (not even that of a reasoning one) cannot understand that we passed this
phase long ago and go along the evolutional path of actual Man, as I call this phase of
evolutional development, where the animal elements are very far from playing a
leading role.
What a pity that I shall never know lots of things about Svetlana’s life before we
met. Certainly, I can scan many things, but only that which I would want to scan. A
scanning can be compared to the reaction of a person to an unexpected sound. On
hearing it, he turns his head toward the source of the sound and sees with his own eyes
what or who produces it. Besides, everything I can get by scanning will be,
nevertheless, my perception of the events, and her amazing perception of the
surrounding world disappeared together with her for good. Svetlana will never tell
anything more with her melodious and tender voice or write the lines which come alive
in the eyes of a reader. Many things will never happen because of the mean murder
from round the corner. She was killed and the killers did not show their faces. This is
not the behaviour of a warrior, even an enemy one. Only degenerates which have
nothing human in them kill like this.
On Saturday, November 13, I called Svetlana six or seven times on the landline
phone, leaving messages which each time became more anxious. I made many Skype
calls and after 6 p.m. Moscow time began to call to her mobile. There was no answer.
I became seriously worried. I switched onto a scanning mode and got reassuring news.
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