Page 485 - Revelation
P. 485
Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova. Revelation
not a plunderer. She was a warrior, but never strived for anything for herself. It vexed
her, but she did not want create any problem for anybody and always hoped that a
person would act according to his or her honour and conscience. Regrettably, very few
acted like this.
Also Svetlana filmed so-called "freaks"–people who possessed paranormal
abilities – in Moscow for Polish television. She made video reports about Paul Globa,
Tarasov, Anatoly Kashpirovsky and many others. She devoted particularly a lot of her
time working with Kashpirovsky. At first Svetlana was sure that his aim was to bring
good to people. He promised her to help too and take away her permanent headache,
but in fact it disappeared nowhere. But soon she was disappointed in this man who
never felt any love or compassion for people but used them as an instrument to achieve
his ends.
Disillusioned, she told me that Kashpirovsky ordered that all letters with negative
results of his healing sessions be thrown in a garbage bin, but there were lots of them
– sacks of readers’ letters were thrown out. A case which happened once during his
performance became the last straw. An old man had a problem with his heart during
the session and Kashpirovsky did nothing to help him. Moreover, after the performance
he commented something like: it’s good that the old fool did not kick the bucket during
the performance. I think further comments are unnecessary.
After this Svetlana refused to do anything for this person, but he had been
harassing her for a long time, calling and threatening her and her son. He also called
several times when we were already together, saying that she would be very sorry about
her refusal to work with him and threatening that he would make her headache
unbearable, if she did not obey him. He said and did, and I had to remove his "gratitude"
to Svetlana for all good things she’d done for him.
Also Svetlana got into the sight of the Soviet black freemasons. A Leo Orlov was
a very influential figure in 80s and 90s in the USSR. Ministers and other officials who
occupied important posts in the government often visited his apartment, groveling
before him. He told Svetlana that it was he and others like him actually ruled the
country and all these officials were just lackeys. Svetlana told me that Leo Orlov often
invited her to attend the performances of the artists who demonstrated telepathic and
other paranormal abilities to the public and insisted that she impede them from doing
what they did. And many were in difficult straits during the performance.
Leo Orlov was incredibly happy about all that, but Svetlana felt quite the contrary
thing. Certainly she was pleased and interested in checking her force and abilities, but
she felt sorry for the performers who puffed and blushed on stage, not understanding
why they were unable to do what, earlier, they had done easily, and she quitted doing
that. Leo Orlov introduced her to many people and most likely had big prospects for
her, but our meeting ruined all his insidious plans. When he understood that Svetlana
was lost to his aims forever, he began to play minor dirty tricks on her. He destroyed
her foreign passport which was kept in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR
and when Svetlana came there to take it, they said it had been cancelled. Svetlana was
very worried that he would do some harm to me or her, because she refused to introduce
me to him, although he was very interested and asked her several times to do that. I did
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