
The Patrushev Oversight

pn1In a recent interview with Russian media, Nikolay Patrushev, an intelligence officer who is the former director of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) and the current secretary of the Russian Federation Security Council, spoke about the nature of power in the West. In keeping with the previous address of President Putin at Valdai, Patrushev shared many of the criticisms made by disillusioned Western commentators.

While some observers may think aspects of Patrushev’s critique accurate, fewer seem to have noticed that many of his criticisms are equally applicable to the Russian state and its “partners.” It’s as if the practically identical power structures are considered, for some unfathomable reason, different in Russia.


On the Influence of Neo-Nazism in Ukraine

vnnu1A short history of neo-Nazism in Ukraine in response to NewsGuard’s charge that Consortium News published false content about its extent.

The U.S. relationship with Ukrainian fascists began after the Second World War. During the war, units of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN-B) took part in the Holocaust, killing at least 100,000 Jews and Poles.  Mykola Lebed, a top aide to Stepan Bandera, the leader of the fascist OUN-B, was recruited by the C.I.A. after the war, according to a 2010 study by the U.S. National Archives. 



Science! Blessed be Thy Name

nbitFreedom of Religion can no longer bring about the freedom that it could have in past ages had it actually been implemented; only a Freedom of Belief System could do that today. The reason for this is straightforward; Freedom of Religion would have been a big deal back when the dominant belief system was a religion; Freedom of Religion would have meant the freedom not to have the dominant belief system imposed upon you.

But Freedom of Religion can no longer shield you from having the dominant belief system imposed upon you because today the dominant belief system is The Science as dictated by the state. The Science now serves the same role for rationalizing political power that the church used to do.


Nine False Historical Facts About the Ancient World

10lf1Our understanding of the past is fluid. Very often things we think we know about the past turn out to be false or highly distorted. Historians aren’t perfect; sometimes they make mistakes, other times they outright lie. There’s a long list of historical facts that we take for granted that aren’t true. Here are eight of the most commonly spread historic lies that are still being repeated today.


Waarom de Globalistische Elite de Georgia Guidestones moest vernietigen in 2022

pgu1De Georgia Guidestones was een mysterieus monument waarop tien “geboden” voor een “Nieuw Tijdperk van de Rede” zijn gekerfd. Het eerste gebod? De wereldbevolking onder de 500 miljoen mensen houden.

Klaar voor een ander sinister feit? De auteurs van wat het Amerikaanse Stonehenge werd genoemd zijn nog steeds een “mysterie”… behalve voor ingewijden. In de video kijken we naar de talrijke kenmerken die dit monument bepaalden, de duistere boodschap ervan die opriep tot een Nieuwe Wereldorde, en leggen we uit waarom het occulte geheime genootschap dat het bouwde, besloot dat 2022 het jaar was om het neer te halen.


Voormalig Greenpeace-oprichter Patrick Moore zegt dat klimaatverandering gebaseerd is op valse verhalen

cdg1Prominente wetenschapper bevestigt bewering dat er 'geen klimaatnoodsituatie' is

Patrick Moore, één van de oprichters van Greenpeace zei in een e-mail die The Epoch Times in handen kreeg dat zijn redenen om Greenpeace te verlaten heel duidelijk waren: “Greenpeace werd ‘gekaapt’ door politiek links toen ze zich realiseerden dat er geld en macht zat in de milieubeweging. [Linksgeoriënteerde] politieke activisten in Noord-Amerika en Europa veranderden Greenpeace van een op wetenschap gebaseerde organisatie in een politieke organisatie gericht op fondsenwerving,” aldus Moore.

Moore verliet Greenpeace in 1986, 15 jaar nadat hij de organisatie mede oprichtte.


Is Putin’s Goody Two Shoes Behavior with his “Limited Operation” Blowing up in his face?

pkr1SPECIAL REPORT Analysis of Breaking News, Russia Lines in Donbass Overrun by Ukraine Forces

RT.com reports:

The Russian Defense Ministry has confirmed withdrawal of troops from multiple locations across Ukraine’s Kharkov region. The development comes amid a Ukrainian offensive in the area.”

“The Russian military and allied forces of the People’s Republics of Donetsk and Lugansk were ordered to leave the city of Izyum on Saturday.”


Chemtrails, grafeen, Covid-19 - is er een verband en wat


Het is een veel gestelde vraag en velen weten zeker dat chemtrails bestaan, dat die witte strepen in de lucht bewust gesprayd worden en dat daarvoor misschien wel extra tanks in de vliegtuigen zitten. Dat cloud seeding al decennia lang bestaat, zou iedereen inmiddels wel moeten weten. Het bestaan van geheime tanks in verkeersvliegtuigen is echter nooit aangetoond. Wel circuleren foto’s van speciale cloud seeding vliegtuigen en die bestaan ook 100% zeker (zie hier).


The Greatest Trick the Devil Ever Pulled

vtd1Anger is erupting around the world, and people have much to be angry about. Covid, famine, energy shortages, inflation.

“The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.” This quote is attributed to the French author, philosopher and poet Charles Baudelaire from an article published in La Figro in 1864. It was a time of upheaval and discontent in France, social unrest, inequality, and a return to an Aristocratic status quo after the failure of the French Revolution. It was a confused and divisive time. Baudelaire’s article was seen as a metaphor for the evil dark forces that ruled the beleaguered French people at the time. Baudelaire’s Devil didn’t hide, he was open and was there for those with the eyes to see. Nor did he apologise or explain his evil. This Devil, the very personification of all things evil, was protected by the inherent goodness of the majority.


NASA Satellite Imagery Reveals Shocking Proof Of Climate Engineering

Ivpki1n regard to difficult to accept and unpleasant truths, a picture is worth a thousand words. The photo images shown below were captured from NASA satellite sources, they are truly alarming. These images provide shocking and undeniable proof of the ongoing global climate engineering/geoengineering/solar radiation management assault on our planet and its life support systems. Highly toxic heavy metals and chemicals that are systematically sprayed into our atmosphere from jet aircraft as part of the geoengineering / solar radiation management (SRM) programs, are manipulated with extremely powerful radio frequency signals.


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