
In het web van het WEF: Apeldoorn eerste Smart City op basis van geheime overeenkomst

uganlApeldoorn is door het World Economic Forum (WEF), zonder overleg met haar inwoners, omgetoverd tot eerste ‘Smart City’ van Nederland. Een onbekend Oostenrijks bedrijf, RadioLED, heeft een 5G-netwerk uitgerold in de stad, op basis van een geheime overeenkomst met de gemeente. De gemeente ontvangt geen opbrengsten uit het project, de regie ligt geheel bij RadioLED. Dat bedrijf beheert ook de data die worden verkregen uit duizenden sensoren die de Apeldoornse burgers overal volgen.

Apeldoorn Smart City is slechts één van de vele projecten die het WEF in Nederland uitvoert. De netwerkorganisatie uit het Zwitserse Davos is via vele tentakels verweven met Nederlandse beleidsmakers – van koningin Maxima tot Sigrid Kaag en Mark Rutte – die de globalistische agenda van grote leider Klaus Schwab, ‘de Great Reset’, ten uitvoer brengen.


Ukraine: What comes next?


Undoubtedly, as a Chinese philosopher would say, we are living in “interesting times”, that is, times of great change for all mankind.

Existentialist philosophers such as Sartre and Camus would be surprised if today they saw how references (at least in name) to the current of thought they formed almost 80 years ago are multiplying in the media.

More and more states and nations claim to face “existential” threats, and no wonder, because Russia has everything at stake, the West has everything at stake, and the world also has everything at stake.


De 16 grootste leugens die de Amerikaanse regering Amerika vertelt over de oorlog in Oekraïne

 lzus1In elke oorlog is de waarheid het eerste slachtoffer. Dit zijn de grootste leugens:

  1. “Oekraïne is een democratie”

De Oekraïense president Volodymyr Zelensky verbood alle oppositiepartijen en verbood het gebruik van Russisch als tweede staatstaal. Waarom heeft hij zijn campagnebelofte van 2019 geschonden om de genocidale moord op duizenden in Donbas te stoppen, ook al stemden ze op hem? Heeft hij gelogen omdat neonazi's hem dreigden te vermoorden als hij niet deed wat ze wilden? [1] Of is hij bang voor de CIA, die andere leiders heeft vermoord en hem tot hun marionet heeft gemaakt? Moeten we vertrouwen op het oordeel van een man die een no-flyzone eist die een wereldwijde nucleaire holocaust zou kunnen veroorzaken? Zelensky houdt toezicht op marteling en moord op politieke andersdenkenden.[2]


Dutch Journalist: ‘We are here, in Donbass, to awaken Westerners deluded by propaganda’

gjuOriginally published: Internationalist 360  on April 8, 2022 by Ekaterina Blinova (more by Internationalist 360) - Posted Apr 11, 2022

There are only a handful of Western journalists on the ground in Donbass, while the Western mainstream press is rubber-stamping fake news about the Ukrainian crisis using the same templates it previously exploited in Iraq, Libya and Syria, says Dutch independent journalist Sonja van den Ende.

Sonja van den Ende, an independent journalist from Rotterdam, Netherlands, went to the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics as an embedded reporter with the Russian army to see how the special operation is unfolding with her own eyes.

The sound of shelling and explosion does not frighten her: she’s gotten used to it. Seven years ago, van den Ende worked in Syria, months before the Russians stepped in at the request of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and changed the tide. The parallels between the Western mainstream press’ coverage of the Syrian and the Ukrainian conflicts are striking, according to her.


Consciousness After Death: Strange Tales From the Frontiers of Resuscitation Medicine

sps1SAM PARNIA PRACTICES resuscitation medicine. In other words, he helps bring people back from the dead – and some return with stories. Their tales could help save lives, and even challenge traditional scientific ideas about the nature of consciousness.

"The evidence we have so far is that human consciousness does not become annihilated," said Parnia, a doctor at Stony Brook University Hospital and director of the school's resuscitation research program. "It continues for a few hours after death, albeit in a hibernated state we cannot see from the outside."

Resuscitation medicine grew out of the mid-twentieth century discovery of CPR, the medical procedure by which hearts that have stopped beating are revived. Originally effective for a few minutes after cardiac arrest, advances in CPR have pushed that time to a half-hour or more.


The Most Secret Operation In The History Of Mankind

sox1More and more often, ordinary people around the world notice strange traces of planes in the sky, which were not there before. They hang over cities, intricately crossing, for hours, gradually expanding and gradually covering the sky with some kind of mist. These flights of planes are happening every day more and more intensively, but neither the official authorities, nor the media do not notice this point blank. The topic of chemtrails is absolutely taboo. What is happening in the sky above our heads?

In popular culture, chemtrails have over 16 years come to be associated with controlling the world’s population, a sinister conspiracy to control the mind or even the genetic code of humanity, and other far-reaching theories. The statement of ex-CIA director John Brennan, made in 2016, also added fuel to the fire.


The Powerful Curse of Jacques de Molay, the Last Grand Master of Templars

pvm1On March 18, 1314, Jacques de Molay and a few other Templars, after enduring torture and many other humiliations, were sent to death. De Molay was an old man, tired with life and proud of his achievements.

He knew that the tragedy which touched his brothers and himself was the result of schemes. He was also aware that the king of France had decided to torture and finally execute innocent people - the loyal knights of France. Thus, when he was dying he cursed everyone who recommended his murder.

The Templar Order, also known as the Knights Templar, Templars or the Order of Solomon's Temple, existed for nearly two centuries during the Middle Ages. Their story began around 1129, when they became a favored charity throughout Christendom.


The PCR test imposed on the world by WHO is not capable of detecting infection!

tnv1Review report Corman-Drosten et al. Eurosurveillance 2020

This extensive review report has been officially submitted to Eurosurveillance editorial board on 27th November 2020 via their submission-portal, enclosed to this review report is a retraction request letter, signed by all the main & co-authors. First and last listed names are the first and second main authors. All names in between are co-authors.

External peer review of the RTPCR test to detect SARS-CoV-2 reveals 10 major scientific flaws at the molecular and methodological level: consequences for false positive results.
Pieter Borger(1), Bobby Rajesh Malhotra(2) , Michael Yeadon(3) , Clare Craig(4), Kevin McKernan(5) , Klaus Steger(6) , Paul McSheehy(7) , Lidiya Angelova(8), Fabio Franchi(9), Thomas Binder(10), Henrik Ullrich(11) , Makoto Ohashi(12), Stefano Scoglio(13), Marjolein Doesburg-van Kleffens(14), Dorothea Gilbert(15), Rainer Klement(16), Ruth Schruefer(17), Berber W. Pieksma(18), Jan Bonte(19), Bruno H. Dalle Carbonare(20), Kevin P. Corbett(21), Ulrike Kämmerer(22)


English is not normal

ann1English speakers know that their language is odd. So do people saddled with learning it non-natively. The oddity that we all perceive most readily is its spelling, which is indeed a nightmare. In countries where English isn’t spoken, there is no such thing as a ‘spelling bee’ competition. For a normal language, spelling at least pretends a basic correspondence to the way people pronounce the words. But English is not normal.

Spelling is a matter of writing, of course, whereas language is fundamentally about speaking. Speaking came long before writing, we speak much more, and all but a couple of hundred of the world’s thousands of languages are rarely or never written. Yet even in its spoken form, English is weird. It’s weird in ways that are easy to miss, especially since Anglophones in the United States and Britain are not exactly rabid to learn other languages. But our monolingual tendency leaves us like the proverbial fish not knowing that it is wet. Our language feels ‘normal’ only until you get a sense of what normal really is.


This Wooden Sculpture Is Twice as Old as Stonehenge and the Pyramids

shi1New findings about the 12,500-year-old Shigir Idol have major implications for the study of prehistory

Gold prospectors first discovered the so-called Shigir Idol at the bottom of a peat bog in Russia’s Ural mountain range in 1890. The unique object—a nine-foot-tall totem pole composed of ten wooden fragments carved with expressive faces, eyes and limbs and decorated with geometric patterns—represents the oldest known surviving work of wooden ritual art in the world.

More than a century after its discovery, archaeologists continue to uncover surprises about this astonishing artifact. As Thomas Terberger, a scholar of prehistory at Göttingen University in Germany, and his colleagues wrote in the journal Quaternary International in January, new research suggests the sculpture is 900 years older than previously thought.


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