Page 466 - Revelation
P. 466

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            The girl was given the name Esclarmonde d'Alion.

                  At that time it was quite normal for a rich seignior to have as many illegitimate
            children as he was able to maintain. The difference between them was whether the
            mother of a child was rich and noble or not. If she was a noble lady, the father adopted
            the child without any problem, just as happened in this case...
                  One day, or rather night, Count Raimond hunted wolves in the forests of Ariege
            and got lost, being too carried away by the chase. After the long and tiresome search
            for the way home, exhausted, he suddenly felt, as if somebody quietly called him and
            saw a very high white stone wall right in front of him. It was the famous Nunnery of

                  The Count demanded that someone bring the Abbess over to get shelter for the
            night. A tall and charming young woman went to meet him. It was the Abbess of the
            monastery – Ermingarda...
                  Count Raymond had the reputation of being a great admirer of female beauty.
            One of his nicknames was "Raimond the Beloved". Certainly, the charming Abbess did
            not pass unnoticed by him. The next morning Abbess Ermingarda had just an afterglow
            about her and the head of an enormous wolf he had killed was nailed to the door of the
                  As Ermingarda was of noble blood, she soon had to leave the monastery and
            return  to  her  family  lands  in  Telho  to  avoide  dishonour  and  wait  there  for  the
            forthcoming delivery. Several months later she had charming twins, a girl and a boy.
            Poor Ermingarda did not have the chance to see her children because she died in
            childbirth. Count Raymond knew about the newly-born children and took them under
            his tutelage. Regrettably, a year later Count Raymond was wounded at the siege of the
            castle Miropoix and soon died.

                  His children grew very strong, clever and handsome which caused delight in some
            relatives and a bit of envy in others, because the enormous family de Foix-Miropoix-
            Pereilles to which the children belonged now did not regard with favour too handsome
            and too clever illigitimate relatives. Therefore, the children were taken out of sight for
            a while – the boy was sent to study in a monastery (to correspond to his position in
            society later), and the girl was settled in the manor of Belpech under the supervision
            of Count Raymond’s faithful vassal, the old Raiax...
                  This is an official version of Esclarmonde de Usson’s life told by the holy church...
            and local notaries at the insistance of interested people, if any…

                  The real life of this unusual girl, and later amazing woman, was (as you already
            know!) a little different. Regrettably not one "official" letter or document tells about it.
            Moreover, the servants of the church destroyed everything truthful that was written long
            ago, because they were afraid that people would believe the old legends and set out in
            search  of  truth  about  an  outstanding  woman-warrior  which  still  lived  among  her
                  Legends called her living Temple of Ancient Gods.

                  Friends called her an Avatar of the Ancient ones.
                  Well, the church saw her as an incarnate Antichrist, blue-eyed Devil or simply a

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