Page 473 - Revelation
P. 473

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

                                                                                  The sorrow in my eyes
                                                                                  Will remain forever.
                                                                                  My soul cries
                                                                                  A river of grief.

                  Svetlana’s amazing book will never be completed. Not because she had nothing
            left to write about, but because she is not with us anymore. Only the last two chapters
            remained to be written, but, she was deprived of the chance to do that.

                  Neither I nor she was in a hurry to promulgate all that we had been through for
            many years. We’d been badgered from as early as 1993, and the persecution still goes
            on. It became particularly aggressive after my return to Russia in 2006. Almost every
            week our ill-wishers arranged ugly things for us. Their activity in France increased
            notably after I had installed a psi-field generator in our estate in 2003 and "miracles"
            began to occur there. I have written about them at length in the series "The Source of
            Life". The French authorities tried everything possible and impossible to expropriate
            our Château, together with all its "miracles", by lawless actions within the limits of the
            law, skillfully manipulating it.
                  If people only knew, in what conditions Svetlana wrote her book! During the
            autumn of 2008 and the winter of 2009 she typed the chapters sitting in front of the
            computer in gloves and winter clothes. Only her amazing green eyes, which would
            change colour from sea-green to emerald, peeked out of the thick scarf. Breath coming
            out of her mouth was visible because the temperature in the Château was below zero,
            just a little higher than outside. Nevertheless, Svetlana kept writing and shifting into
            the past to extract minute details of the past events she wrote about. Then she would

            browse through mountains of books and search the Internet for any information which
            could solidly confirm the Truth of her account.
                  The most amazing thing was that she always found confirmation of what she heard
            and saw during her time travels back to events which happened in her childhood. She
            dug  up  evidence  about  a  Venetian  witch  called  Isidora  and  a  blood-thirsty  Chief
            Inquisitor  named  Caraffa  (later  Pope  Paul  IV)  and  a  lot  of  other  information.  She
            gathered thousands of unique photos for her future books and dreamed about a time
            when she would be able to write her DaArya and The Children of the Sun and continue
            her autobiographic Revelation where she had time to tell us only about her childhood.
                  The book does describe what happened to her in her childhood, but because of
            that it became more a story about the many outstanding people she knew due to her
            distinguished talents. The book became a hymn to the magnificent heroes of the past,
            whose names either fell into oblivion (as happened to Isidora) or their actions, and the
            memory of them, was totally perverted, just as it was with Radomir (the true name of
            the White Hierarch who we know as Jesus Christ – E.L.) and Magdalena.

                  She could return their good name to just them by telling people about their actions
            and feats. And how many real heroes are there for whom she is unable to do so? Her
            new books will remain unwritten!
                  Her book has brought the Light which people needed so much in order to preserve

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