Page 512 - Revelation
P. 512

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            her book.

                  The first joy came when I found part of the new chapter of Revelation. Svetlana
            wrote the last lines on November 7, 2010, just a week before her murder. I united it
            with  what  Svetlana  had  sent  me  before  and  got  quite  a  good  part  of  the  chapter.
            Although it remains uncompleted, even that little bit, which Svetlana managed to write,
            fascinates, and it becomes terribly painful because nothing will follow…
                  The second joy came when I found a big enough part of Svetlana’s new book The
            Templars. Although this book Svetlana could not finish too, even uncompleted, it will
            be the next "bomb" which will tear off the lies with which parasites covered the good
            names of Light Warriors which they eliminated and then slandered their very memory.
            Svetlana managed to find irrefutable proofs that will make all the phrase-mongering on
            this subject which occupied thousands of pages in thousands books grow dim and fade.

                  On destroying the real Templars, parasites perverted and distorted the essence of
            what this organization was. The Templars were the first who understood the strategy
            and  tactics  of  social  parasites  and  began  to  create  their own  financial  system  as  a
            counter-system to the parasitic one and achieved enormous success. Their financial
            system turned out to be much more powerful than the parasitic one. On finding out
            from where the winds blew, the parasites hurried to inflict the blow first, using their
            obedient slaves–the Pope and greedy, ambitious and mendicant Philip the Fair, the
            French king, as their instruments. It was exactly the Templars who created the first
            banks! After they were eliminated, social parasites took advantage of this invention,
            bringing the parasitic essence into it. Since then the Templars’ counter-weapon against
            parasites became social parasites’ faithful servant. Svetlana managed to find a lot of
            very unexpected and, frankly speaking, sensational things for her book. Although it
            will remain uncompleted, the material she managed to find and write became her next
                  Oh, Svetlana! How many things you could give to people! How much truth you
            could bring to them, passing through yourself all pain and suffering of those, whose
            names  had  been  cleansed  of  dirt  thanks  to  you!  How  many  names  undeservedly
            forgotten or deliberately concealed by the parasites you opened up to the people, and
            how many more you would have opened, if it were not for your mean murder!!! Few
            know that at the end of May, 2010 the enemies inflicted a very strong blow at your
            brain, when your short-term memory was almost fully destroyed and several months
            of your long-term were wiped off, and if I had failed to stop this process, who knows
            what would have come of it in the end! Few know that while I restored the damage
            done to your brain, the attacks from all levels continued, but despite that, as soon as
            your memory was more or less recovered, you rushed to write the penultimate chapter
            of your Revelation!

                  It was still very hard for you after such damage to displace yourself into the distant
            past to reproduce the events which have helped (and still do) people to wake up, to feel
            that they are  people again, not that faceless mass or sheep, as parasites call them behind
            their back. You hurried to bring truth to people–the truth which is more frightful than
            A-bombs or any other weapon, because it opens people’s eyes and, on knowing it, they
            do not allow anyone to make fools of them anymore. This truth resonates with them at

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