Page 510 - Revelation
P. 510
Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova. Revelation
as a "sacred" church ceremony of providing higher honours to such important people!
As a result of such "honours" all carriers of such genetics and their descendants had
weak hearts and increased vulnerability in exactly those organs which were eviscerated
from their distant ancestor…
There are a lot of churches and cathedrals in Malta where people walked right
over the graves of knights of the Maltese order, and the most noble of them had their
personal crypts. So, the captivated spirits appealed to me through Svetlana asking to be
freed from the most frightful captivity one can imagine, which for many of them lasted
for centuries. We picked out one evening and I began to work to free these unfortunate
spirits from the captivity of the Dark. It’s a pity that few could see the striking sight of
thousands of luminous spirits, soaring in the evening Maltese sky over all islands. They
slowly went up over the dry land and, on moving away, dissolved in the sky. The
unprecedented sense of relief which came from them was almost palpable…
After Svetlana’s funeral on November 24 I decided to check the answering
machine of the home telephone, because it was precisely this phone that received the
call which killed Svetlana. I did not do it earlier, because I was not sure about my
reaction to the infrasonic weapon, although I had already had some experience of
"interaction" with it, in all senses of this word. I wanted to be sure that I could see
Svetlana off on her last journey, and only then could I risk myself. When I was
completely alone (to avoid the slightest chance that anyone might suffer accidentally),
I began to listen through the record. It contained the earlier messages which Svetlana
wanted to keep. She erased my messages which I left during the night from 12 to 13
of November.
There were two or three of my messages which I left on Saturday before 6 p.m.
Moscow time or 4 p.m. French time, but all my following messages up to 9.30 p.m.
Moscow time were absent. Not once, but exactly after 6 p.m. Moscow time I called her
on all phones several times per hour!!! Someone had erased all these messages! The
question arises: who erased my messages and why? In fact the Château was sealed by
the Gendarmerie, and nobody could penetrate it, except for the policemen who
inspected it investigating the crime. This means that someone among them knew very
well how Svetlana was murdered, and his task was to destroy the only material
evidence of the murder–the record of the call which killed Svetlana.
But this person did not know exactly what message was fatal, because it was
buried among my numerous messages. To search among them for the message which
killed Svetlana meant listening to all the messages on the answering machine, and that
meant that the listener would be another dead body as soon as he started reproducing
that message! Undoubtedly, this man did not want to be dead, therefore he erased not
only the message which killed Svetlana but also a dozen of mine without listening! I
consider this fact another proof that Svetlana was murdered…
After the funeral I decided to look through the content of Svetlana’s computer. I
hoped to find the materials she had worked with and did not have time to complete.
Svetlana shared her plans for the nearest future with me and told with joy and
satisfaction that she could "dig" out the information which would put the next spoke
into the parasites’ wheel. She asked me to make covers for her future books The
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