Page 511 - Revelation
P. 511
Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova. Revelation
Children of the Sun, The Templars and DaArya. We discussed it long enough shortly
before her murder and I asked her to think about what she would like to see on them.
Svetlana was happy about all that like a child, her eyes lit up and a burning desire
appeared in them. For a short while she forgot about the problems which heavily
burdened her and the treacherous behaviour of the people who she had trusted and to
whom she had opened her heart. Lately I had seen her in such good spirits very rarely.
Only, when we worked together solving one or another problem, did Svetlana revive
and become herself despite her tiredness because of such enormous loads. Work and
her books always made her happy, despite the darkness which surrounded us and which
became especially dark after I returned to Russia in 2006.
I shall write about all that in my Bio at length, if I have time, but Svetlana lived
in an incessant hell precisely after I returned to my Motherland. Parasites of all stripes
went absolutely mad: they had made our life complicated before too, but after my return
they attacked us continuously from all possible and impossible levels of reality. I don’t
remember a single day for the last four years which would pass without attacks from
both other levels and the purely earthly one. Very often they were inflicted
simultaneously from all levels! And I had to deal with them again and again, and restore
the damages in Svetlana and me. But before the "old wounds" could heal, new blows
poured down and then new ones …
But Svetlana did not surrender despite all that being very hard for her and a
constant pain in the neck, hers. They failed to break her, no matter how hard they tried.
Yes, there were tears in her eyes when those who she trusted betrayed her, tried to
deceive and swindle, but she always wiped away tears of vexation, not of weakness,
and fought the enemies, like a warrior. Svetlana was and is an amazing person,
amazing woman. Maybe some day I shall tell you who in fact Svetlana was (and is)
there, in Big Space, and what we succeeded in doing in these earthly bodies…
But now it’s not the time, and people will not understand that correctly, because
all that will be beyond their comprehension, and everything that lies beyond
comprehension frightens not only little children, about whom Svetlana wrote in her
book but big children too. Only big children, already totally reduced to zombies by
parasites, often behave worse than little children. Therefore, that will be the story of
another day.
I found it painfully sad to examine Svetlana’s computer, because she could never
do that herself. I felt as if she disappeared from Life with every minute, with every day.
Her bank account was closed; all official papers, taxes, etc. are redirected to my name,
because it is impossible to do anything without that in France, even if you wish. Her
name disappears from the bills which come to the Château. It is very sad to watch all
that–there was a person once and now there are no reminders of her. It always happens,
but Svetlana is a special case. She left her book, although incomplete, although she did
not have time to tell about the most interesting events of her life, but people had the
chance to feel the truth in what she wrote with their hearts and souls! And this is what
the enemies will never be able to destroy, distort or pervert.
I looked for new materials in Svetlana’s computer about which she told me, but
which I had not seen; she usually asked me to be the very first reader of the chapters of
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