Page 502 - Revelation
P. 502
Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova. Revelation
minutes more and Zita would have drowned!
This event clearly shows Svetlana’s nature, her selflessness. She loved life very
much. She loved every single living creature: any tiny blade of grass, any small bush,
tree, bird and animal. And she loved people and always treated them with open heart,
which in some miraculous way she managed not to harden despite numerous
treacheries, although her small and at the same time enormous heart bled every time
when people she trusted wounded her with their betrayal, not only when the Dark
directed their mortal blows into it. She has always believed (and still does), no matter
what, in the best in people, that everybody has a living soul. She just could not act
otherwise, but many (not all) to whom she opened her heart and soul deceived her,
fearing for their own skin, or for the sake of profit, or because of their envy that they
could not be even one percent of what she was! Svetlana never concealed her face or
hid behind somebody’s back. She knew why she fought and for the sake of what she
risked her life almost every day, often several times a day. She was (and is) a Light
Warrior in the fullest sense of this word. She is Valkyrie and Dara in one person! (Dara
is a Slavonic name meaning a present)
On Friday morning, November 19, Alexander and I left the hotel where we had to
spend two nights. Frederic called and said that the gendarmes had removed the seals
from the Château and now I could enter my own house. On checking out from the
hotel, we loaded our things in the car and went there. Frederic opened the gate and for
the first time since the end of 1999, when I bought the Château, I entered it. This was
not at all the way I imagined this moment. I dreamed of arriving in France incognito to
surprise Svetlana: arriving at the Château, asking Frederic on the quiet to open the gate,
driving to the doors, gently entering, and saying loudly: "Hi, here I am!" … And now
I am in the Château, but joyful Svetlana does not run to meet me; her sunny smile does
not shine on her face; her crystal-clear voice does not sound in the hall... Here are her
shoes; her clothes are hanging on the racks. Traces of her presence are everywhere I
look. It seems that Svetlana will come out of a room right now, but a moment passes,
then another and Svetlana does not show up. No, this was not the way I imagined my
appearance in the Château after so many years of it being impossible to do that.
Fate presented me a sad "gift"–to enter it when the dearest creature of all is not in
the world of the living. Some times the thought flashes through my head: should we
maybe have left the Earth when our friends came to fetch us? Then Svetlana would be
alive, and we would continue our common cause together! In fact most people want
nothing except for filling their stomachs with food and getting "pleasures", as they
understand them, and for the sake of that they are ready to be slaves, betray, kill, lie…
But I drive that away at once. Svetlana and I remained on Midgard-Earth not on
somebody's order or requirement, but of our own free will, because this planet is our
And everything we have done was not done for the sake of glory and rewards, but
because it is our debt and duty to do everything we can to release this wonderful planet
from the power of parasites.
Svetlana has already given her life for that aim, and I shall continue this cause
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